How to Show This Video on Your Web Site

On NetAdventist sites:

If you have a NetAdventist web site, here are the steps you (as an authorized webmaster for that site) can take to show the entire 5-part Seventh Day video series on your own web site:

  • The first thing you need to do is to add our Seventh Day video article feed to your collection of "Website Page." Here's how:
    • Log in to your web site
    • Go to the dashboard.
    • Click on Content Pages on the left navigation menu.
    • Now, under Content Pages, click Shared.
    • Near the upper-right corner, click the button that says "Browse available feeds."
    • A window will pop up that says "Article Feeds." In the upper-right corner is a tool that lets you search for key words associated with the feed you are looking for. Search for "seventh day video." (Do not include quotation marks.)
    • You should now see a feed called "The Seventh Day Video," hosted by Click "Subscribe..." to the right of that title. Normally, this is the only page you should need to subscribe to in order to show this 5-part video series on your web site. This video player includes links to the descriptions for each of the 5 parts. If you wish to also include a separate page on your web site that lists the descriptions to all 5 parts, you can also subscribe to "The Seventh Day Video -- Descriptions."
    • Click "Done" to close the Article Feed subscription window.
  • You will now find a page called "The Seventh Day Video" in your list of Shared Content Pages, and you are ready to add a link and/or menu item for The Seventh Day content page just like you would any other content page that you have created.

On non-NetAdventist sites

  • Create a blank page for your web site, or open an existing page where you want to place the player frame for The Seventh Day.
  • Insert the following HTML code on your page in the appropriate place, replacing the square brackets--[]--with the HTML brackets--<>:

[iframe width="750" height="720" frameborder="0" src=""][/iframe]

  • On Apache/PHP servers, using the following code instead of the code above will sometimes give more pleasing results. (Don't forget to replace the brackets as above.)
[?php include "" ?]

That should be all you need to do. If you are getting unacceptable results, you can also copy the HTML code from and paste it in the appropriate place in your own web page.

If you have trouble with the above instructions, or if you have any corrections, please let us know via the Feedback page on this web site.

Have fun!